Sunday, September 16, 2012

Keep learning but start building.

Last week, I read an article “Lessons from the world’s ugliest woman” (read it here) and it got me thinking; Just a few days before that, I saw an interesting quote that says “if you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs”. I got my message for you from these two.
Just reading that article about Lizzie Velasquez really did get me thinking, it reminded me of the cruelty of man to man. I thought to myself, how can people be so insensitive to the pains of others? But the best part of the story for me is when I read about how she turned all the cruel comments into her source of inspiration. Lizzie now walks up to people to introduce herself and tell them “Maybe you should stop staring and start learning." Oh, how I admire her courage.
And that brings us to the quote of building your dreams. Lizzie is building her dreams and you ought to as well. A lot of us are in the habit of procrastination, like I wrote in my first post (read it here if you missed), I also find myself struggling with procrastination at times. In this age where we glorify virtually everything, often times, much more than we would like to accept, we are in the habit of glorifying the word “busy”. If you ask a friend why s/he is yet to submit that application or proposal s/he was so excited about, I bet the person would be quick to tell you about how busy s/he’s been. But you would find out that that person had just enough time to watch his/her favorite show on TV all week long. One thing we fail to realize though is that each time we turn on the TV to watch that reality show, we are not only watching some other people build, we are also helping them build their dreams.

For some, if you ask them what has kept them from launching their dreams, they would tell you that they are still learning in order to get it just right at their very first attempt; I am yet to find any man/woman who is a great achiever that got it right the very first time, as “falling down is a part of learning how to walk”, My question to the people who give this kind of excuse is, wouldn’t you think something is terribly wrong if a child goes to school for years without graduating? My guess is, you will. Well then, same rule applies to people that keep learning without putting their acquired skills and experiences into good use. So my dear readers, I ask you today to start building your dreams, no matter how little the step you take, like it is popularly said, “little drops of water, makes an ocean”.
With that being said, I leave you with this quote by Arnold Bennett “We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going day in and day out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achieve a task, achieve it at all costs”.

Have a dream building week.


Bobo said...

Thanks for this. I better place that call and make my dream a reality.

God bless ya!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the message. It speaks volumes to me.

May God continue to use you to minister to others.

Anonymous said...

hmnnnnn this message really said it all.

alldatmatas said...

Amen to the prayers, may our hopes and dreams not be cut off in Jesus' name

Anonymous said...

Rightly said!!! It helps when we start to c procrastination as a waster of destiny. Appraise urself at the end of each week/month just as ur boss would do @ work: is there a progress towards ur life goals? D moment we learn to number our days and realise that " mathematically, the end of a day is equal to the number of days you have left to live on earth minus one" the easier it is to b prudent with our we spend it.....

alldatmatas said...

Thank u so much for this comment. May we apply our hearts to wisdom as we number our days. Amen