Saturday, September 15, 2018

Silent but Present 1

Hello Blogfam,
I am very sorry my long break. I hope you've been letting your light shine before others.

Now, let's jump right in to our word for today... It's a series
As a mature Christian, you have to get past just trusting God's word to also trusting His silence.
At times, in fact, a lot of times, we want God to tell us what, why and when things will happen in our lives but God chooses to be silent, we pray and even fast, but we don't hear anything from God, it is in times like this that your faith is needed most, you have to learn to trust God even when you don't feel Him near or hear Him speak, you've got to trust the things He said to you in the past and not let go. Let's take some lessons from the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis.