Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blessed by the best, with the best

Happy Easter to you all,

To me, this is the most important celebration for we Christians because Christ's death and resurrection is the basis of Christianity. Paul said while he was preaching that "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is our faith" and also that "If Christ has not been raised, the Christian faith is futile; we are still in our sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. If only for this life we have hoped in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied. But Christ had indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep". 1 Corinthians 15: 14, 17 - 20. 

I must confess, since I started this blog, I have become aware more than ever of how blessed I am. A sister of mine told me a few years back, when I had it really rough to "stop focusing on my problems and ask God to help me bless other people", she told me that in doing that, I would realize how much blessings God bestows on me. Truth is, it wasn't so easy to do that but, since I surrendered to God and started this 'little ministry', it has been nothing but blessings. Just knowing that people do actually get blessed (read a few of the messages I've received from readers here) by reading my posts gives me great joy. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Gratitude: A Key to Happiness 2

One thing I have noticed in many people including myself is that often times, we wait for special occasions to show appreciation, we even wait till thanksgiving to say thank you to the Lord who counts us worthy to see each day. Instead of being grateful for the undeserved blessings that we enjoy, we adapt the consumer-oriented approach by laying emphasis on the things we want but do not have. In my opinion, that is not the best approach to get anyone to do things for you. If instead of thanking me each time I go out of my way to give you something, especially one that you didn't earn, the only thing you do is tell me about the ones I am yet to do, I would be reluctant or better yet, not go further in giving you any other thing.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gratitude: A key to Happiness 1

First, I would like to say thank you for taking time to read my post despite the fact that I have been MIA for a while now. I am indeed very grateful :-)

Our discussion for today is gratitude. Have you ever noticed that when you show gratitude to someone, not only does it make the person feel good, you also feel good? In essence, that means gratitude produces win-win situations, as Dr. Shrand, a Harvard Psychiatrist put it in his book Manage Your Stress: Overcoming Stress in the Modern World, "In our hearts of hearts, we just want to be valued by another person" he also said that "Being valued is the essence of gratitude". So you see, gratitude is a key to happiness because when you feel valued, you will be happy.