Thursday, October 17, 2013

Always and Forever

Has there ever been a time when you felt God did not love you anymore, probably because of something you did or did not do? I have felt that way too, I bet we all have at some point in our lives. Recently, some things happened that got me thinking that maybe God loved me less than I wished He did. I kept asking Him to forgive me if it was as a result of the sins I, or someone I am connected to might have committed. All I desired was to feel that He loved me dearly.

The great thing about this Mighty God that we serve is that He always shows up when we need Him. He reminded me through sermons in Church, blog posts, random Bible verses and even Ebony Magazine that His love for me is unconditional. For some reason, Romans 8: 38 - 39 kept popping up for several days. The Lord just wanted to convince me "that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord". This is definitely something to be excited about. 

I mean, you know what it feels like when someone expresses his/her love for you. For the married  ones, remember the joy you felt when you walked down the aisle on your wedding day, and for those in relationships, you most likely have not forgotten how happy you were the first day s/he told you those three wonderful words "I love you". Imagine having that feeling everyday, Oh, we don't even have to imagine it, we can actually experience it everyday, once we come to the knowledge of the truth that God loves us and bask in His love. Being an economist, I normally carry out a lot of researches before giving my opinion, based on my research findings, I have drawn a conclusion that God's love towards us is in a class all by itself. Let's review some of the things I considered in my analysis.

God's love is far better and deeper than the one you feel for your spouse/partner. The fact is you did not know him/her when s/he was a baby, you were most likely all grown up when you met and even the traditional wedding  vow says:  "I, (name), take you (name), to be my lawful wedded (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part". That is the best part about God's love towards us, 
  • He knew us even before we were formed in our mother's womb (Jeremiah 1: 5; Psalm 139: 13), that means He loved us before our parents got a chance to love us not to even talk of our spouses and
  • Unlike our spouses who are no longer bound by the vows they took on the wedding days (since it only lasts as long as both live), God's love is eternal, remember not even death can separate us from His love. (Romans 8: 38).
He is our faithful partner, our constant friend, our Father and Savior. He takes us with all our faults and strengths (Ephesians 1: 4), He loves in spite of our disobedience, sins, selfishness and weaknesses and eagerly waits for us to return to Him whenever we stray (Luke 15: 11 - 32), He cherishes us (1 John 4: 9 - 10; Romans 5: 8; John 15: 13), He helps us (Psalm 118: 7, 13, Psalm 37: 40; Psalm 121), He chose to spend every day of our lives with us (Hebrews 13: 5b), He honors us and we are precious in His sight (Isaiah 43: 4), He loves us always and forever (Psalm 118: 2 - 4; Jeremiah 31: 3;  John 13: 1b; Psalm 136).

So, are you in agreement with my conclusion?


Bobo! said...

Totally agree!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your analysis is so on point. Thank you Lord for loving me

Anonymous said...

So so true....the things we forget sometimes. I feel enriched and may you continue to be enriched too.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom so so so so true

Anonymous said...

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